MailGPT.PRO Blog.

    Welcome to MailGPT.PRO | Why You Should Start Using MailGPT.Pro Today

    Kramer thinking of the login details.

    Why You Should Start Using MailGPT.Pro Today

    As a consultant, at work, I have to manage about 5 different computers and additional devices. With these countless devices, managing multiple logins and verification steps is very frustrating, especially when getting logged out. It is at times faster to do it the old way, as login into ChatGPT or Claude takes some time. Also, I do not use AI that much, that 20$ per month would make sense. Is there any better way?

    That's where MailGPT.PRO comes in, revolutionizing the way we interact with AI by allowing you to email ChatGPT or Claude from any device, effortlessly.

    Why Now?

    The digital landscape is continuously evolving, with more devices and applications than ever before. As we juggle multiple devices—smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops—staying logged in across all of them can be a logistical nightmare. Each device often requires separate logins, passwords, and even phone number verifications. This complexity not only wastes valuable time but also adds unnecessary frustration to our daily routines.

    Enter MailGPT.PRO, a groundbreaking solution that eliminates these hurdles by enabling you to access AI assistance directly through email. By simplifying how you interact with AI, MailGPT.PRO ensures you spend less time logging in and more time focusing on what truly matters.

    Feature 1: Mail with ChatGPT

    With MailGPT.Pro, you can now access by default the newest ChatGPT by simply sending an email. This feature allows you to ask questions, brainstorm ideas, or seek assistance without the need for multiple logins or complex setups.

    Feature 2: Mail with Claude

    Write "Claude" in the subject line and MailGPT.Pro's integration with Claude ensures that you get to mail with the best and newesr model. If you write anything else, but "Claude" in the subject line, the best ChatGPT model will answer by default.

    Feature 3: Usage-Based AI

    Instead of committing to a subscription plan with monthly fees like at ChatGPT or Claude, you only pay for what you use and for a fair price.

    By leveraging usage-based pricing, we want to ensure that you're only charged for the assistance you need, making AI accessible and affordable.


    Have fun with MailGPT.PRO and let us know what we need to improve and what you like.